Why faszinatour fascinates
We love what we do.
We have the most amazing job in the world: bringing people in contact with themselves, each other, and nature. After more than 30 years of faszinatour we are still fascinated by the results of this: adventures that shape, encounters that unblock, experiences that change – people, teams and entire companies. New possibilities arise and unknown potential is discovered. This is what inspires us at faszinatour on a daily basis, from CEO to trainee. You will feel this enthusiasm when you are on the road with us - and long after.
We like to break new ground.
We develop people through sustainable outdoor experience – and thereby also develop ourselves. In 1986 we started off with adventure travels. Today, experiential learning and experience in nature are the center points of our work. The new insights we are thereby gaining are constantly transformed into new ideas and projects: as an example services in the area of health prevention, the establishment of the “Institut für Erfahrungslernen infer:” or the development of our sustainable programs such as our GreenVents. Using nature as an example, we discover and develop new answers to new challenges and oftentimes bring these solutions to the market first. But, as in nature, growth cannot justify every price to pay – therefore, our work is about sustainable development in accordance with the environment.
We protect what we love.
Nature is the place we work in – for us, the most beautiful one on earth. This is why we protect it as much as we can. You will not find any programs in which the fun-factor negatively influences the environment rather than meaningful adventures in nature. This is what we stand for, also by supporting associations and local initiatives. We share the same responsibility for the people we facilitate: your security is our highest priority. Since years we are setting standards and ensure the highest level of standard throughout the outdoor industry. All this is combined in all our programs that deal with social competence and values, such as team spirit, trust and attention. These elements are also part of our daily interaction with employees – because we are always the first ones to practice what we teach.